
By AlexJames

Why Hiring Blog Writing Services in Florida

Did you know that almost 89% of marketers had blog writing as part of their content strategies in 2020? This just tells you how effective blog writing can be for marketing your brand and reaching the target audience.

Gone are the days when direct ads and aggressive marketing tactics yielded results. Now, marketing agencies are turning towards blog writing to promote businesses. Isn’t it fascinating that in WordPress alone, almost 70 million posts get published every month?

How hiring blog writing services can promote your company’s online visibility:

Companies like Lead Marketing Strategies incorporate blogs into their digital marketing plans to boost visibility. In 2021, blogs emerged as one of the top 3 forms of social marketing media used for content. 

Blogs were found to be one of the highest-performing types of content for brand awareness and lead generation. Companies that have used blog writing for promotion are 13 times more likely to get returns than those without blogs.

Here’s why blogging has grown into such an important marketing tool today:

  • Increases traffic: With blogs becoming an integral part of your site content, you can ensure growth in organic traffic to the site. When you post relevant and engaging content, it keeps visitors on the site, and statistics reveal that a site gets 55% more viewers if there are blogs. Every time you post a new blog, you add a new indexed page to the site. This automatically generates more leads.


  • Increases conversion rates: New blogs mean new lead generation because of CTAs or calls-to-action included in the posts. In this, your viewers are asked to share their contact details in return for content like ebooks, templates, fact sheets, trial offers, etc. Part of the traffic which comes in because of the blogs get converted into leads. As you keep posting, leads keep returning to read these, and soon you develop a long-lasting relationship with them. So, when the time comes for these leads to buy a product, they will always think of your brand.


  • Builds links: When you have link-building, you get other sites to link to key pages on your site. If you can manage to get credible links to your site, Google recognizes this and ranks you higher. Did you know that Google views backlinks as one of the 3 key factors for ranking a site? Creating engaging blogs helps to acquire backlinks much faster from other sites.


  • Get targeted traffic: When you find a “marketing agency near me” in Florida to offer blogs, you can offer something that your customers want. For instance, you can have “how-to” articles for guiding them, checklists for helping readers take action for doing a task, etc. Whether it’s valuable tips or industry updates, your viewers have something to look forward to on your blogs. Businesses use blogs to get qualified inbound leads.


  • Improves rankings: A marketing agency in Florida will use blogging to improve your search rankings. You want to have high ranks for your “money keywords”; these are the keywords your customers will type to look for your products. This means your site credibility must be solid. And this is where blogs will help. When your site gets higher ranks because of money keywords, you get more traffic.

Blog writing isn’t expensive; it’s easy to get started. It’s one of the most hands-on tools for showcasing your brand. You only need a marketing agency that can come up with custom digital marketing solutions for you.

Create a marketing approach that effectively uses the internet to advertise your products. More consumers than ever before are turning to smartphones, desktops, and tablets for shopping and getting information.

Now that you know the importance of both content and link building, the question now is how to go about leveraging this in your business.


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