You can find a lot of guides for cleaning almost everything, but this one will show you my life-experience of cleaning my kitchen after I moved recently. I intended it to be the cleanest and most hygienic place in my new home, so I decided it was crucial to do it in the right order. There are thousands of Internet articles proposing unique ways of unclogging drains as well. It looks like every one of these authors is ready to declare his/her article the ultimate guide of drain cleaning. My personal experience posted here is probably not the one and only effective method of unclogging. However, I did my research and tests in order to have them shared with you. In addition, the methods that I’m going to describe are environment-friendly.
Gather Your Tools and Supplies First
As in every other cleaning procedure, the perfect order to clean your kitchen includes gathering all useful tools and supplies first. Use a lot of baking soda and white vinegar – they clean stainless steel and deal with grease easily. Use only fresh rags and sponges to avoid contamination. You can kill bacteria by putting your sponge in the microwave. After you’re ready with the gathering of your supplies, you can proceed with the following: Remove all clutter and odd items: it means no trash, no odd objects and anything which is creating obstacles for the upcoming process; Fill your sink with water: use the Rengøringshjælp products or some home-made recipes and fill all used dishes in the sink. The ones with greasy residue are particularly dirty, so it’s a good idea to fill them with bubbling water before you do the main thing; Put everything in place: the time used for letting the dishes soak in the sink can be fulfilled with stowing the other kitchen items in their proper places. In addition, you can clean the counter tops as soon as you have enough place;
Clean your Oven
When you are ready with the counter tops, move to the oven and clean all the leftovers and residue. Using white vinegar is a beneficial tactic. Place a cup of vinegar in a heat-resisting container and heat the oven up to its maximum. Keep it that way for 10 minutes, then let it cool and wipe the inside. The racks can be soaked in vinegar as an additional measure. You can use white vinegar in the same manner to clean a microwave. With this gross part of the clean-up left behind you, you can proceed with the rest. Here is the order I recommend: Work from top to bottom: this principle will allow you to have any debris dripping or falling to be picked subsequently.
Clean the stove vent:
Use a de-greasing cleaner and spray over the vent. An alternative method is to put it in the dish washing machine. Clean the kitchen windows: make a spray for window cleaning – mix equal parts white vinegar and water, put it in a spray bottle and instead of wipers, get some old newspapers to wipe the windows after spraying.
Clean your coffee maker: Here you can just run a cycle with vinegar. Rinse with water after that and you’re ready.
Clean the rest of the appliances:
Drawers, tables, chairs, sinks, refrigerators, rubbish bin and the cabinet under the sink – no matter what order you choose, these are the appliances, which should not be missed. Clean the floor: As a final effort, you can do the job of a tile cleaner. First sweep and vacuum the floor. Next, use a mixture of white vinegar and water for effective mopping. With all these actions you can consider your kitchen cleaned thoroughly so, the part with the drain cleaning will show you the green aspects of my procedures. Most people take the easiest path – going to the nearest store and purchasing the strongest chemical. The result consists of toxic waste in the sewers and contribution to the worldwide pollution. There are alternative methods to use instead:
Pour White Vinegar
You need a cup of white vinegar. Pour it down the drain, let it sit for half an hour and rinse your sink (or your toilet bowl, if that’s the case) with hot water. This will help you erase the stains. If you want to say goodbye to the bad smell, use the following: boil 3 cups of water. Pour a cup of baking soda down the drain first and add the aforementioned boiling water. You may have to repeat this until the blockage is gone.
Lemon Juice
Just like white vinegar, lemon juice contains acid. It is a natural one, which makes a fine substance for unclogging drains. The easiest thing is to squeeze a few lemons over the drain and let it stay for at least one hour. The optimal amount of lemon juice is half a cup. It could be gathered from fresh fruits or lemon concentrate. Some guides suggest using bleach for stubborn stains. This method is preferable for fast unclogging – you just need to let the bleach sit for 10 minutes by pouring it directly from the bottle.